When people ask me about the most important things they can do for their skin at this time of the year, I always like to tell them that actually, the best thing they can do is what I suggest they do ALL year round – and that’s keep it well hydrated. Even if it’s chilly outside, remember that you still need a decent SPF sunscreen – preferably a broad spectrum SPF30. Of course, I can give you lots of advice about the best type of moisturiser, serum and any other good quality skin care products to use for your skin type if you pop in to see me at my skin clinic in Needham Market. Broadly speaking though, for the best winter skin care you need something that’s going to protect your skin from moisture loss and keep it supple through the winter months, despite central heating, cold weather and seasonal excesses! Serums -v-s Moisturisers Most of my lovely clients look after their skin and know that they need to use a good quality moisturiser to keep their skin healthy, but not everyone understands the importance of a serum, and why, especially when the climate is working against you, a serum is also essential. Moisturisers are designed to hydrate your skin, by adding moisture and also sealing in the skin’s natural moisture. A good product will usually contain ingredients to target specific issues like anti-aging, but its main job is just to get hydration to the skin and keep it there. Serums are a bit different. They are designed to penetrate deeply into your skin and repair skin damage at a cellular level. Serums usually contain antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins which help to repair the structure of the skin cells, which results in a smoother, more supple and hopefully more radiant looking skin for you. Crystal Rose Winter Skin care treatments For extra skin care support over the winter months, you can give your skin a boost and book in for one of our gorgeous facial treatments at Crystal Rose Skin Clinic. I use the Alumier MD range of skincare treatments and my clients LOVE the effects they have; they are perfect for maintaining healthy, glowing skin as well as giving you a boost of pre-party skin confidence. A skin peel is another great way to prepare your skin for not just the onslaught of winter but also the Christmas and New Year party season where we all want to look our best. I have a range of gentle but effective peels that will deeply cleanse your skin and give your complexion a beautiful boost. If you really want to treat yourself to beautiful skin this winter, perk up your skin with a few sessions of laser skin rejuvenation or microneedling – microneedling especially is fantastic for making tired skin almost ‘come alive’ as it stimulates collagen production and gives you a really fresh-looking complexion with very little down time involved. Come and chat to me in my gorgeous skin clinic within the Encore Wellness Centre in Needham Market and we’ll find the best winter plan to keep your skin in tip top condition this winter…
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