We have all been reminded very sharply about our health, and the food that we feed our bodies with, in 2020. It’s true that beauty comes from within, but inner health gives us so much more than outer beauty, and that’s why I’m so excited to be able to bring you a fantastic new omega oil supplement programme that’s designed to rebalance and nourish you and your skin from within, giving you better health and a spring in your step to start 2021 (goodness knows, we need it, don’t we?)
I’m so excited to be able to offer these products – they’ve been found to have amazingly positive results on skin conditions like acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema. That’s another reason I love them; as a skin specialist I get really excited when I can help my clientele at my skin clinic in Needham Market – it’s great to be able to help restore vitality and skin health from the inside out, while getting to the root cause of inflammatory body and skin conditions.
You’ve heard of omega oils no doubt, they have been popular in supplements for some time. Omegas occur in some foods naturally; omegas 3 and 6 are essential fatty acids that among other things, help blood vessels become more permeable. Although that might not sound like such a good thing, permeability is incredibly helpful because it gives blood vessels the ability to release toxins and also to metabolise important nutrients around the body at cellular level. It would be great if we could get all the omegas that we need from our food, after all, that’s how we’re designed. Sadly, like most things in the modern world, it’s not as easy as it used to be.
21st century omega deficiency
In the 21st century, our diets have changed beyond recognition from the staple diets we would have been used to in the early 1900s (for example) when there was no such thing as fast food or processed snacks. With the best will in the world – and the best chef – even home cooked meals can’t guarantee the levels of omega oils needed to keep you in tip top health. The meat we eat tends to come from intensively farmed animals; cows and chickens kept in a barn and given animal feed instead of fresh grass in open fields and oil-rich salmon farmed in closed basins, fed with fishmeal instead of nutritious, natural algae. Sadly, this has a massive impact on the nutritional value of our food, and this is felt in our cells, tissues and our bodies.
Many of us are deficient in these oils, and it can be quite an eye opener to see the results of the ZinZino blood test. This test can tell you the levels of 11 fatty acids in your blood (I didn’t even know there WERE 11) and whether your omega 6:3 balance is out of sync too. Once you know the situation, you can address it, and ZinZino offers a range of solutions, including the fabulous ‘Health Protocol’ a premium package of three products designed to be taken over a course of six months. The package includes:
• ZinZino’s signature BalanceOil - Omega 6 & 3 (comes in three flavours)
• ZinZinoBiotic + dietary fibre
• Xtend multivitamins.
High Quality Oils
ZinZino BalanceOil is extra special because it contains the highest possible quality ingredients. Standard BalanceOil contains the oil from small unprocessed fish like sardines, anchovies, and mackerel. (Lysi, BalanceOil’s manufacturer, is careful to meet the correct regulatory requirements and also follows GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) for food and pharmaceutical products.
BalanceOil also contains cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil that’s been chosen specially for its high polyphenol content. Polyphenols are natural health workers – they are a type of strong antioxidants that not only keep the oil fresh, but get it working in your body.
There’s a vegan option too, without the fish oils, which has been rigorously tested and proven to safely adjust and maintain the vital Omega-6:3 balance.
The Zinzino Health Protocol Lab Tests
The Health Protocol includes a blood test at the start of the six-month programme, which gives you a comprehensive lab-confirmed report addressing any issues that are detected by the blood test. After 120 days on the programme, you’ll have another blood test to confirm that you’re now back in perfect balance – according to ZinZino an impressive 95% of people are delighted to find that their bodies have been returned to balance after four months continuous use. ZinZino is fantastic for brain function, heart health and a strong immune system – all very important in times of Covid (and beyond). Many people are finding that they are so happy with the results that they’ve carried on with the Protocol in order to maintain the results – they feel so good.
I really believe that this is a superior brand which is why I’m stocking a small range of the ZinZino products in my skin clinic in Needham Market – and making the full range of ZinZino products available online via the client portal.
Other products include:
• Viva to improve mood and reduce tiredness and fatigue – a combination of affron® (standardised and patented extract of saffron stigmas, five B-vitamins, iodine and vitamin C).
• Protect+ to support the immune system, containing vegan vitamins D3 and C and high-potency, clinically proven 1-3, 1-6 beta glucans.
Find out more about the ZinZino range on the website, or you can contact me, and I’ll tell you all about them. Stay safe and well!