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Vitamin C - your skincare bestie


Vitamin C is a highly popular ingredient for both professional and high street skincare brands - much loved for its antioxidant benefits and its ability to help protect our skin from the nasty UV rays whilst also helping to keep our collagen levels up (remember that collagen is our ultimate anti-ageing superpower!) Suitable for all ages, personally I love using the AlumierMD range, as the brand has really perfected harnessing the true potential of Vitamin C. It's a typically tricky ingredient to keep stable in skincare products as it has a tendency to break down when it hits the light. You also need to have the right type and concentration of Vitamin C to achieve the best effects; a 15% concentration is ideal. AlumierMD's newest Vitamin C product, EverActive C&E is amazing because it stays fresh from the moment it’s opened and is potent until the last drop. So what makes Vitamin C our skincare bestie? Vitamin C plays a crucial role in so many of our vital skin functions. As a topical skincare addition, it works wonders on rejuvenating tired-looking skin, as well as the added benefit of protecting our skin from those pesky free radicals and UV damage. Vitamin C - our UV guardian If you've read almost any of my previous blog posts, you'll be very aware of the need to use a good broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, but did you know that it might not be enough to maximise your sun protection?

According to a recent article in Aesthetics Magazine by Dr Helen Robertshaw and clinical educator Victoria Hiscock; “Research has suggested that sunscreen only blocks 55% of the free radicals produced by UVR.8 Therefore, to optimise UV protection it is important to apply a powerful antioxidant as a second line of defence.” That’s where your daily dose of Vitamin C comes in. In one laboratory study, 10% topical Vitamin C showed a statistical reduction of UVB-induced sunburn cell formation by 40 - 60%. That's the type of result I can really get behind!

Vitamin C and collagen production - the rejuvenation jackpot! Many studies have proved that Vitamin C is beneficial for skin health, although most of the sample sizes have been small. Even so, in one study of ten people who all used topical Vitamin C over a 12-week period, the results showed a ‘statistically significant’ improvement in wrinkling in the vitamin C treated patients, compared with the group who didn’t use vitamin C. Another test showed that Vitamin C helped improve the appearance of wrinkles in 20 people who used it for a six-month period. Of course, skincare products aren’t the only way to get Vitamin C into your body – a healthy diet is a must for topping up your vitamin levels. Although supplements can be helpful, according to Aesthetics Magazine, “only a finite amount is absorbed when taken orally, even in high doses’, and crucially, “the bioavailability of vitamin C in the skin is inadequate when it is administered orally.” So, if glowing, healthy skin is a major concern, adding your Vitamin C topically is a great move. For more advice on skincare – get in touch with me or book your skin consultation when we will take a deep dive into your skin health and condition and I will create a totally bespoke skin plan for you.


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