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More ways to make you feel beautiful this summer


How are you finding this super-hot summer? I hope you're managing to keep as cool as possible, and protecting your skin with lots of sunscreen?

Introducing Profhilo® hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment

While we're busy rehydrating our parched bodies with copious amounts of water, our skin is thirsty too! I've been looking at the latest on-trend skin boosters, and I'm delighted to say that I'm introducing Profhilo® to my skin clinic in Needham Market. It's an injectable hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment that gives skin a super hydrating boost of moisture from within; I love it!

Profhilo® is one of the best things I've found recently for really thirsty skin. It contains

one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, and its impressive hydrating properties also help to improve the condition of skin that's starting to show signs of ageing and sagging - from within. It's a great treatment for the face and neck, but it's also ideal for any other areas that you might feel need tightening and plumping, like your décolletage or the skin on your hands.

Profhilo® uses ultra-pure hyaluronic acid, which is injected directly into where you need it. There, it attracts water into the deeper skin layers and helps to stimulate production of collagen and elastin over time. It's a 'stabilised' slow-release gel, which means that typically the results last longer. I'm so excited about adding this to my professional skin care repertoire and I know you'll love it too. If you'd like to find out a bit more about it, please get in touch and let's talk.

PRP Hair Restoration

You might have already seen my announcement about the PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or 'Vampire Facial' recently? Well, it's been so well-received that I've decided to start adding a hair restoration version of the treatment to the clinic menu, too. I know from chatting to my lovely clients in the clinics that hair loss is a concern for many of us, and it also seems to be something of a taboo subject. You would be surprised at how many women are dealing with loss of hair through menopause, trauma or illness, and it's really nothing to be embarrassed about. I can help restore confidence in your hair with this totally natural treatment; the PRP hair restoration treatment has been researched and found to be effective over a course of treatments. If your hair loss is bothering you, let's talk.

PRP is 100% natural as it uses platelet rich plasma taken from your own blood to promote hair growth. The PRP is injected into your scalp, where it promotes hair follicle growth by stimulating cells deep inside the hair follicle and improving blood supply to the root, getting it growing again. It can be used to boost both inactive or newly implanted hair follicles and make them shift into an active growth phase.

PRP works best on thinning hair, where it can help to slow down the progression of hair loss (it can also help to improve hair growth after a hair transplant.) The treatment is suitable for men and women, pre or post hair transplant, and as it's completely natural, it's also great for anyone who can't use other hair loss therapies.

So, keep on drinking the water, moisturising well and slathering on the sunscreen, and let's enjoy the sunshine while we can! As ever, if you have any questions about skin care and skin health, just give me a call, drop me an email or come and see me at my one of my skin clinics in Suffolk. I'm always delighted to talk about skin!

My PRP Hair Loss Treatment and Profhilo® Treatment will be coming to Crystal Rose this August, so keep an eye out for the announcement that they're live to book on my booking link to get your treatment booked! If you have any questions about these 2 incredible new treatments - just get in touch.


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