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Introducing Polynucleotides to Crystal Rose Skin Clinic


Updated: Oct 27, 2024

It's that time of year again - the time where I bring something new and exciting to clinic!

And 2024 is all about POLYNUCLEOTIDES (or Poly for short).

Let's get the mildly controversial part out of the way first - it is, sometimes, referred to as the 'salmon sperm facial' - yes, that's right - salmon sperm.

'You've got to be kidding?' I hear you ask...

...well, not exactly! But there is A LOT more to this than meets the eye - so let me get started!

What are Polynucleotides?

Polynucleotides are micro-chains of nucleotides - the building blocks of DNA. DNA, as you know, is responsible for a lot of the body's functions - including how your skin develops!

By introducing these polynucleotide chains to your skin via multiple small injection sites, you are giving your body the tools it needs to help damaged DNA cells within your skin to repair and optimise their functions.

You know that magic youth ingredients we just love at Crystal Rose - collagen and elastin? Well Polynucleotides stimulate fibroblast cells, which in turn help to form connective tissues such as, you guessed it, collagen and elastin!

As well as helping with skin elasticity, Polynucleotides also boost hydration, improve pigmentation and reduce inflammation - AND you know all those nasty free radicals I've spoken about before, like sun, pollution, smoke, stress, extreme temperatures - basically all of those negative external influences on our skin? Well Polynucleotides also counteract these - regenerating your skin and giving it a bit of a magic protective forcefield against them!

Now, back to the salmon sperm facial reference - well the DNA I talk about is derived from salmon sperm. So if you're vegan, this may not be the treatment for you, but if you're not, let me carry on with the benefits of this treatment for you!

Rosy training for Polynucleotides treatment Crystal Rose Skin Clinic

Skin benefits of Polynucleotides treatments

So one of the reasons that Poly makes me SO excited, is the insane results it can have for your eyes!

Eyes are notoriously difficult to treat - they're incredibly sensitive and the skin surrounding them is very thin - making many treatments simply too harsh for this delicate area, yet so many women and men suffer with ageing around the eyes including loss of volume - causing 'sunken' eyes, drooping eyelids, dark circles, puffiness and so much more.

Poly to the rescue! Due to the regenerative nature of Polynucleotides as well as their hydrating effect, they deliver volume, elasticity, and lasting results!

As well as eyes, Polynucleotides are the ideal treatment for face and neck - hitting that magical triad of skin benefits - improved skin health, improved skin quality and improved skin aesthetic!

How are Polynucleotides different?

'Rosy, this sounds a lot like dermal fillers' I hear you say.

Well, not exactly! Whilst dermal fillers look to instantly, but temporarily add volume to targeted areas, Polynucleotides work at a much deeper level - DNA and skin cell level - proactively repairing and generally just 'doing good' for your skin.

This can mean that the results of Polynucleotides can take longer to see, but they also last a lot longer!

They're also natural!

Plinest Polynucleotides treatment Ipswich Suffolk

How long to Polynucleotides last?

Initially it can take around 3 months to really see the benefits of the Polynucleotides treatment. I would then recommend that you look to have a further treatment after 6 months. Maintenance treatments every 6 months would help to maintain optimum results and continuous regeneration of those glorious skin health elements.

How much is the Polynucleotides treatment?

1 Polynucleotides treatment is £275.

A course of 3 treatments is £735 (£90 saving)

Exclusive introductory offer!

I will be officially launching my Polynucleotides treatment at the upcoming Encore Wellness event on 7th November 2024 where I will be doing a LIVE demonstration for you all to see how this treatment works.

During the event evening, the first 5 bookings for a course of 3 treatments will receive their treatments for £600 - an insane saving of £225!)

So be sure to join us on the evening and get your Polynucleotides course booked - believe me when I say you will not regret it!

Want more information on this treatment or the upcoming event? Get in touch.

I hope to see you there!

For more information on my new Polynucleotides treatment, visit the Polynucleotides page.


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