You might have seen the news back in February that Judy Murray invested in microneedling treatments to get rid of what her delightful sons called her ‘turkey neck’ – apparently she didn’t tell them about the treatments until one of them commented, "Mum, what have you being doing to your face?" - and told her that her skin looked much smoother. What a result! Although Judy says that she needed to make changes because of all the TV work she does, most of us have had to become accustomed to screens and cameras over the past year too. Being constantly made aware of our imperfections on screen has led to a bit of a boom in the aesthetics industry. We are calling it the ‘Zoom’ effect!
There’s a great video on Hello Magazine, featuring Judy’s incredible transformation – I’m sure you’ll agree that she is looking fantastic!
The treatments that Judy tried were a combination of microneedling and Radio Frequency(RF) that’s becoming very popular, and I can see why – Judy claims the treatment took ten years off of her appearance. It can be exceptionally powerful, but the great thing is that it’s totally non-invasive, no surgery is involved and it’s pain free too. I’ve been carrying out these types of treatment separately as part of a holistic package of skin treatments - at my skin clinic in Needham Market - for some time now, and they are phenomenally popular. My clients love them.
What happens during a treatment?
I use both treatments separately but the effects are the same as the machine that was used for Judy’s treatment. The microneedling treatment involves having tiny injections of radiofrequency energy which work by stimulating collagen production in the skin. The needles penetrate the skin and withdraw immediately, creating what’s called a micro-trauma. This stimulates your skin to heal itself, and at the same time, the heat of the RF has a kind of shrink wrap effect which tightens it all up.
How does combination RF and microneedling work?
The targeted heat produced by the RF treatment gets right down into the deeper layers of skin, and causes very little damage to the surface. Underneath the surface, your skin will start to revitalise, rebuild, and remodel the existing collagen, plumping and smoothing its appearance and helping to address some of the skin concerns that I see in my clients at the skin clinic. A combination RF and microneedling treatment plan could be the answer for you, if, like Judy, you’re concerned about seeing common signs of ageing start to appear. I can help you to achieve a dramatic improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, skin texture and pigmentation/discoloration, and with zero downtime, too. One study showed that just one session of RF and microneedling could rival a surgical facelift in reducing skin laxity; the improvement from just one fractional RF treatment was 37 per cent of the improvement seen after a surgical facelift…without the surgery, down time and associated risks.
Although it’s fantastic for ageing, microneedling has also been proven effective for treating skin conditions like acne. A 2014 study of people who suffered from acne scarring showed that 70 per cent reported moderate to very good improvement in their scarring.
Using the combination of RF and microneedling together works so well because it’s a holistic treatment – I combine the best treatments (like RF and microneedling) and use them to treat every client’s skin differently. Everyone’s results are personal to them. Like any craftsperson, I have a range of tools available to me to carry out different types of work – and to achieve the best results I like to use a combination of the best tools for the job! It’s why the consultation process, getting to know you, your skin and your expectations for the treatments is such an important part of my job.
As my regular clients (and readers) know, I pride myself on keeping up to date with all of the latest news and developments in professional skin care. I’m always investigating new treatments and technologies, products and machines, and testing them myself to make sure that they are suitable for my clients. I was excited to test a new combination RF microneedling/HIFU device from Lynton Lasers, and as I’m classed as a medical service, I even managed to trial it with a few of my regulars too. I’m thinking this might be my next investment ready for when everybody wants to get back out there socially in 2021.
If you’d like to experience the fantastic results of professional skin care and non-surgical treatments, I’d love to talk to you! I’ve been working with this sort of aesthetic technology for many years now, and I’m a total convert. I work with all skin types, textures and colours and even better, I achieve the same results as the clinics in London, using the same quality equipment - but without the London price tag!