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Beat the January Blues with Glowing Skin and a Special Discount Offer!


Firstly, Happy New Year from Crystal Rose! I hope you had a fabulous festive break and celebration.

So here we are, starting a fresh year in 2024! It's often reported that we all feel the stress of the winter months most prominently in January. It's a longer month, we're not yet seeing the benefit of the lighter mornings or evenings, it's typically either freezing cold or just a bit dreary - so it's easy to see why we all feel a little flat.

Whilst I sadly can't change any of the above mentioned points, I thought I would do what I can to help you kickstart your 2024 with a little skin TLC and start building your skin health and glow so it's looking its absolute best for the summer months!

That's where my January offer comes in!

I am offering a specially reduced price for both my Focus Dual Radio Frequency Microneedling and HIFU treatments for all treatments booked in January!

If you book a course of my Radio Frequency Microneedling treatment then you will get an additional 10% OFF! So for a course of three full face & neck treatments your cost will reduce from £1,485 to £1,336.50 and a course of three full face treatments will reduce from £1,080 to £972!

I am also offering 10% OFF all HIFU treatments booked in January! A half face treatment will reduce from £350 to £315, a full face treatment will reduce from £600 to £540 and a full face and neck treatment will reduce from £750 to £675!

So, why not make January the month you do something for you? My Radio Frequency Microneedling (the comparative treatment to the Morpheus 8) is providing simply gorgeous results for my clients - with them seeing tighter, firmer and clearer skin with drastically improved texture and tone.

My Focus Dual HIFU is unbeatable when it comes to skin tightening - it really does deliver noticeable tightening across the face and jowl.

If you'd like to take advantage of this offer - simply get in touch with me either via my website or by phone or email on the details below:


Telephone: 07967 480323


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